Christian Books & Bibles
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2012-04-11 | Author:Rainbow Rowell

CHAPTER 28 Park He called his mom during lunch to tell her that Eleanor was coming over. His counselor let him use her phone. (Mrs Dunne loved the opportunity to ...
( Category: Education & Reference March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi | | 2010-06-10 | Author:Coelho, Paulo [Paulo, Coelho,]

Shortly afterwards, however, the wars commenced: first in Croatia, then in Bosnia. The businessmen were worried. The money for the investment came from capitalists scattered all round the globe, from ...
( Category: Cultural Heritage March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2012-10-02 | Author:Peter May [May, Peter]

Gigs’s croft was one of several on the lower slopes below Crobost, a narrow strip of land running down to the cliffs. He kept sheep and hens, and a couple ...
( Category: Murder March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | 2012-01-01 | Author:Peter May [May, Peter]

TWENTY-ONE It was dark when Fin dropped George Gunn in Stornoway and headed across the Barvas moor to the west coast. It was a black, wet night, the Atlantic hissing ...
( Category: Murder March 25,2014 )
mobi |eng | 2012-01-01 | Author:Peter May

TWENTY-ONE It was dark when Fin dropped George Gunn in Stornoway and headed across the Barvas moor to the west coast. It was a black, wet night, the Atlantic hissing ...
( Category: Murder March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:Unknown

LITERARY WORKS: Longfellow wrote predominantly lyric poems, known for their musicality and often presenting stories of mythology and legend. He became the most popular American poet of his day and ...
( Category: Drawing March 25,2014 )
epub |eng | | Author:CW Steinle

**** Chapter 7: The Beasts of Power and Deception Here we must pause and consider whether the beast we have been introduced to is actually some monstrous creature, or whether ...
( Category: Christian Books & Bibles March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 0101-01-01 | Author:Orson Scott Card [Card, Orson Scott]

Jane found the strength for one last voyage; she held the shuttle, with the six living forms inside it, held the perfect image of the physical forms long enough to ...
( Category: Hard Science Fiction March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | 2010-03-05 | Author:Douglas Adams [Adams, Douglas]

Chapter 16 Arthur materialized, and did so with all the customary staggering about and clasping at his throat, heart and various limbs which he still indulged himself in whenever he ...
( Category: Adventure March 25,2014 )
epub, pdf |eng | 2006-10-31 | Author:Kristin Hannah [Hannah, Kristin]

In the silence that follows my question, the windshield wipers seemed almost obscenely loud. He can hurt me now, ruin me with a look or a smile, but I take ...
( Category: Family Saga March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi, azw3 |eng | 2012-11-20 | Author:David Baldacci [Baldacci, David]

CHAPTER 46 The long night did not start off well. The police cruiser skidded to a stop at the curb with its rack lights turning and its siren blaring, crushing ...
( Category: Murder March 25,2014 )
mobi, epub, pdf |eng | 2005-09-01 | Author:Jeffrey Archer

Broken Routine Septimus Horatio Cornwallis did not live up to his name. With such a name he should have been a cabinet minister, an admiral, or at least a rural ...
( Category: Short Stories March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi, pdf |eng | 1998-01-02 | Author:Archer & Jeffrey Archer [Archer & Archer, Jeffrey]

‘Will the Mafya be your first target?’ As he wearily climbed the worn stone stairs to the third floor he decided that, win or lose, that was the last occasion ...
( Category: Political March 25,2014 )
epub | | | Author:Louisa May Alcott

Chapter VI MIRACLES Great was the confusion and alarm which reigned for many minutes, but when the panic subsided two miracles appeared. Octavia was entirely uninjured, and Treherne was standing ...
( Category: Children's Multigenerational Family Life March 25,2014 )
epub, mobi |eng | | Author:Lisa See [See, Lisa]

14 SILENTLY DAVID AND HULAN WATCHED AS PEARL AND GUY stepped into the elevator and the doors closed. David didn’t know what to say. What he’d thought of as a ...
( Category: Murder March 25,2014 )